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Diffusion des ballets de Noverre en Bohême et en Moravie
Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), un artiste européen au siècle des Lumières
Petra Dotlačilovà
Prague, Académie des Arts du spectacle
This article surveys the influence of French choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre in Bohemia and Moravia. After a short description of the Prague theatre scene in the second half of the eighteenth century, the most important choreographers of the period, Vojtěch Alberti-Morávek and Anton Rössler are mentioned. They presented to Czech audience some of Noverre´s ballets and tried to apply his new concept of ballet pantomime in the Czech area. The second part of the article presents three letters written by Noverre to Count Metternich, the Austrian ambassador, which were discovered in the State archives in Prague.